Using Our Services
By using the services offered by Rhia Tapper at Sussex Animal Physiotherapy you accept and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this agreement. In addition, when using these services you shall be subject to any guidelines or rules that may be applicable. Any participation in the services offered constitute acceptance of this agreement. If you do not agree to abide by the terms and conditions of Sussex Animal Physiotherapy then please do not use this service.
Veterinary Consent
It is a legal requirement (as per the Veterinary Surgeons Exemptions Order 2015 Section 19.19 that ALL therapists seek & obtain veterinary consent before any treatment can take place.
At Sussex Animal Physiotherapy we request veterinary consent before an initial assessment, on an annual basis or when a condition changes or a new injury/ailment occurs. We try to work closely with veterinary practices to ensure our patients get the best possible outcome, we’re working within the law and we refer back to the treating veterinarian where necessary. You can download a veterinary consent form from our website or we can email you with a copy.
Please return this prior to treatment.
Treatment Fees
Payment for treatment can be made by BACS prior to your consultation or in cash on the day. Unfortunately, we are no longer able to accept cheques as a method of payment.
Insurance Claims
If you are wishing to claim for your animal's treatment under your insurance policy then you MUST have a referral for the treatment from your veterinary surgeon. This will require your vet to write a referral letter to us at Sussex Animal Physiotherapy outlining the reasons for the specified physical therapy in addition to completing the veterinary consent form. Whilst physical therapies are covered by most insurance companies it is the OWNERS responsibility to check that their insurance company will cover the cost of their animal's treatment. Your vet is responsible for signing your insurance claim forms - all you are required to do is to submit any treatment receipts to the insurance claim handler at your vet practice.
Owner Health Concerns & COVID-19
As the guidance changes in response to the pandemic situation, we will follow the latest protocols as issued by the Government and our professional body, therefore up-to-date guidance will be issued with your appointment based on the current rules which may be subject to change between booking and attending your appointment.
Please do not attend your appointment if you or anyone from your household is showing any COVID-19 symptoms, have been told to self-isolate, or have a positive test result.
If you have been told to self-isolate or have a positive test result then please email a copy of this to us and we will forfeit any cancelation fees.
Health Concerns & Patient Illness
Patients with infectious or contagious conditions such as ear, nose, eye or skin infections, gastric upset, kennel cough, strangles, etc. will NOT be treated. Owners are advised to cancel all appointments until the patient has been clear of symptoms for at least 1 week. Owners should notify Sussex Animal Physiotherapy of appointment cancellation as soon as they are able to. Appointments cancelled with 48hrs+ notice will NOT incur a charge. Appointments cancelled within 48hrs of your scheduled treatment slot will be charged £25.00 at Sussex Animal Physiotherapy's discretion.
Veterinary consent for treatment may be required prior to the animal's return to physical therapy to ensure the patient has fully recovered from the illness/disease.
Missed Appointments & Cancellations
By you: If you wish to cancel an appointment YOU MUST notify Sussex Animal Physiotherapy 4 DAYS prior to your originally scheduled treatment slot. Failure to do so will incur a £25.00 fee. This payment should be made in full on the day of the scheduled appointment or you will be charged interest at £1.00 per day. If you miss your scheduled treatment slot you will also be charged as outlined above.
By us: Sussex Animal Physiotherapy reserves the right to cancel any appointments at any time due to extenuating circumstances. This will purely be for health and safety reasons as we do not want to risk the safety of any owner or animal. For this reason please make sure we have a valid mobile phone number so we can contact you as soon as possible. We will endeavour to notify you of any appointment cancellations as far in advance as we are able to in order to minimise any inconvenience to you.
Refusal Of Treatment
Sussex Animal Physiotherapy reserves the right to refuse to treat any patient at any time. This is usually only the case where there is a health concern and we feel that further veterinary investigation may be required.
Should we be unable to treat your dog or horse an assessment fee (Horse - £40.00 and Dog £30.00) plus any mileage fees will still be charged. If you require a veterinary report an additional charge of £10.00 will be applicable.
Sussex Animal Physiotherapy also reserves the right to refuse treatment to any animal which is deemed unsafe/unsuitable for physical therapy.
Additional Information
Owners are required to notify Sussex Animal Physiotherapy if during the course of treatment the patient's condition worsens or if the veterinary surgeon advises that the treatment is stopped or suspended.
Use of Media/Photographs/Videos/Case Studies
Any information/videos or photographs collated during the assessment and treatment process are the property of Sussex Animal Physiotherapy and therefore can be utilised for both private and public use e.g. educational, advertising & marketing purposes. We respect that you may not agree to images of your animal be published and will by request keep these private. Your request should be made in writing or email.
By attending any physical therapy appointments with Sussex Animal Physiotherapy you are agreeing to the terms and conditions outlined above.